深圳市华顺礼品玩具有限公司创建于2002年,厂房现有1000多平方。工厂共有150多人,5年左右的熟手车位/手工50多人,是专业的毛绒玩具生产厂家,我们提供:最新款的毛绒玩具,毛绒玩具定做,毛绒玩具来图来样定做。产品保证质量,价格合理,本厂拥有设计开发技术人才多名,管理人员具有10年以上良好的素质的管理经验。工厂材料经过各种质量检测机构可达到环保要求。生产设备齐全先进,做工精细,交货准时。我们以产品规格齐全、起版快、交货准时、价格实惠、服务周到、信誉良好赢得国内外广大客户的信赖和好评。并且具有完善科学的国际质量管理体系,未来,我们将持续推进服务体系变革,为客户需求提供最佳解决方案!竭诚为广大客户交货快捷的服务! Shenzhen Huashun toys & Gifts Co., Ltd. was founded in 2002, the existing plant more than 1000 square. Plant a total of more than 150 people, proficient at / about 5 years - more than 50 people, is a professional toy manufacturers, we provide the latest: plush toys, plush toys, plush toys to map custom, oem. Product quality assurance, reasonable price, the factory has design and development more than technical personnel, management personnel with more than 10 years of good quality management experience. Plant material through a variety of quality detection mechanism can meet the requirements of environmental protection. Advanced production equipment, fine workmanship, delivery on time. Our complete product specifications, model, delivery on time, reasonable price, thoughtful service, good reputation to win the domestic and foreign customers trust and praise. And has a perfect quality management system, science in the future, we will continue to promote the service system, to provide the best solution for the customer demand! Our fast delivery service to customers! 我们以产品样式/规格齐全、起版快、交货准时、价格实惠、服务周到、信誉良好赢得国内外广大客户的信赖和好评。未来我们将持续推进服务体系变革,为客户需求提供最佳解决方案!.欢迎来电洽谈。